HHC - Hackensack Hospital Center
HHC stands for Hackensack Hospital Center
Here you will find, what does HHC stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hackensack Hospital Center? Hackensack Hospital Center can be abbreviated as HHC What does HHC stand for? HHC stands for Hackensack Hospital Center. What does Hackensack Hospital Center mean?The hospital & health care medical organization is located in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, United States.
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Alternative definitions of HHC
- Hollow Hard Core
- Hitler's Henchmen Clan
- Health and Hospitals Corporation
- Hand Held Computer
- Heartspring Hearing Center
- Human Health Carcinogen
- Hospital Headpiece Carrier
- Hooters Hat Chick
View 156 other definitions of HHC on the main acronym page
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- HPSC Happy People S.C.
- HFS Harrop Fold School
- HDI Hello Digital Indonesia
- HHN Hancock Health Network
- HVP Hillcrest Venture Partners
- HHGHA Habitat for Humanity of the Greater Harrisburg Area
- HB Hip and Bone
- HDL Hexagon Developments Ltd
- HIL Horizon Instruments Ltd
- HSPPL Harmonic Software Patterns Pvt Ltd
- HBS Horizon Building Solutions
- HHC Healthy Hearing Centre
- HHG Harrell Hospitality Group
- HM The House Modesto